Smart Biopreservation


The CIQ GX BCR-ABL1 kit is an internal quality control for the performance control of the quantification of BCR-ABL1 transcripts in the Cepheid Xpert® BCR-ABL Ultra kit, for transcripts resulting from e14a2 (major) translocations.

This kit contains 15 RNAshell® minicapsules to control the performances of 15 independent Cepheid cartridge at three different BCR-ABL1 / ABL1 ratios:

~ 0.1% IS, RNA Low control (B)
~ 1% IS, RNA Medium control (I)
~ 10% IS, RNA High control (H)

Each RNAshell® minicapsule is identified with a 2D Data Matrix code as well as an alphanumeric code containing the lot ID and the level of control (B/I/H). Each RNAshell® minicapsule contains enough material to perform one analysis.

RNAshell® technology ensures the stability of the RNAs during transport and storage of the kit at ambient temperature. It makes measurements more reliable and simplifies laboratory logistics.

Kit content

  • Three bags  (high, medium and low level) each containing 5 RNAshell® minicapsules allowing a total of 15 analyzes
  • An empty working rack for receiving RNAshell®
  • A portable shellOpener© able to open about 30 minicapsules
  • The lot validation certificate by the GBMHM (Group of Molecular Biologists of Malignant Hematologic Diseases)
  • The CE-IVD certificate
  • The instructions for use

Easy opening of RNAshell® minicapsules thanks to the shellOpener©. Simply add RNase-free water to bring the dehydrated RNA back into solution, then ready for use.