Publisher information

The website is managed by Imagene SA
Legal status: Public limited company with management board
SIREN / SIRET identifiers: 421 066 812 / 421 066 812 00031
Head office: Parc scientifique Unitec 1, 2 allée du doyen Georges Brus 33600 Pessac France
TVA: FR 03 421 066 812
RCS: 421 066 812 R.C.S. Bordeaux
Phone: +33 (0) 1 60 77 62 22
Director of publication and legal site manager: Sophie Tuffet 

Hosting information

The website is hosted by o2switch
Siret : 510 909 807 00032
RCS Clermont Ferrand
SAS with capital of €100,000

Design and development

This site was developed by B-TO-B DESIGN
Registered office: 298 rue d’Alco 34080 Montpellier
Legal status: SARL with capital of €46,000

Intellectual property

The content of the “” website (graphic charter, articles, photographs, graphics, etc.) is protected by copyright. This content may not be reproduced and/or used without the express prior authorization of the publisher, subject to legal exceptions.

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The photographs used on this site come from:

B-TO-B DESIGN agency
– website
–  Imagene